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New Multi Security Door Beijing Red Star Macalline Fashion Home Flagship Store Glory Opening

Source:Simto Group Co.,Ltd.Release time:2017-09-23

September, the golden autumn, the wind and the autumn. In this good time of decoration, the new multi-safety door flagship store located on the third floor of Red Star Macalline Fashion Home Design Expo Center on the fifth ring in Beijing opened on September 16.

As a home furnishing carrier carrying many famous brands at home and abroad ---- Beijing Red Star Macalline Fashion Home Design Expo Center has been developing and growing since it opened, and now it is the first choice for people in the capital to buy fashionable home building materials, and has developed into a local home building materials business benchmark in the capital. The flagship store of Xindo Security Door on the third floor of Beijing Red Star Macalline Fashion Home Design Expo Center is not only a new store opening ceremony, but also marks the beginning of Xindo Security Door's home art journey in Beijing. Like a starry superstar, Xinduo Security Door bloomed in the capital. The grand and lively activity scene rendered the hot atmosphere of the opening to the fullest.

The opening day was full of guests. Mr. Ma Pengfei, deputy general manager of marketing of Xindo Group, Mr. Lou Yun, sales manager of Beijing office of Xindo Group, as well as leaders from large well-known real estate companies in Beijing and representatives of many national famous decoration enterprises attended the grand opening ceremony of Beijing Xindo Safety Gate Red Star Macalline flagship store.

The opening gift blooms in glory

In order to hit the opening of the first gun, Beijing new more security doors Red Star Macalline flagship store held a huge opening promotions: opening price, crazy smashing golden eggs, lucky draw, gifts to send, order to draw red packets, five heart level service and other six preferential measures, unprecedented strength, very attractive. Together with the early community promotion, the mall distributed DM activity leaflets, in advance of the grand opening of the new multi-safety door Beijing Red Star Macalline flagship store did enough to spread.

Early in the morning, Xinduo Beijing Red Star Macalline flagship store was full of customers, crowding the store. Under the joint efforts of Xinduo Beijing office and all the staff of Xinduo Beijing Red Star Macalline Flagship Store, more than 30 orders were sold on the day of the event, which made the owners of the capital city return with the grand prize, and set up a great confidence to the dealers of Xinduo Beijing and let them feel the brand charm of Xinduo security doors.

New Duo blooms, the door shines in the capital

Located on the third floor of the Red Star Macalline Fashion Home Design Expo Center in Beijing, after more than a month of careful preparation, finally unveiled its mystery: the store area of more than 150 square meters, is the largest security door brand stores in Beijing Red Star Macalline Fashion Home Design Expo Center, exquisite decoration, elegant style, store decorated with the most popular modern fashion style, highlighting the high-end atmosphere of the new security door features, to provide consumers with a modern taste of home security style.

As soon as it comes out, it is in full bloom. New more security doors Beijing Red Star Macalline flagship store decoration from design, layout, decoration, on the sample, accessories, etc. are striving to achieve excellence. Into the Beijing fifth ring Red Star Macalline fashion home design expo center on the third floor of the new multi security door flagship store, will be new multi security door Red Star Macalline flagship store's lively atmosphere and warm service is attracted. On-site customers taste the high-end noble products of Xindo Security Doors in a joyful atmosphere, and savor the home art and cultural atmosphere presented by Xindo Security Doors. Under the light, the texture and color of each door is outstanding, and the temperament is extraordinary, shining out the noble quality of natural heirloom. As one of the high-end stores in the Beijing market, we not only want to show more competitive and artistic products of Xinduo Security Door, but also want to make the whole store layout more luxurious and atmospheric, so as to better lead consumers to the trend of quality life; not only to create a rich artistic atmosphere in the space, but also to show the brand connotation of Xinduo Security Door.

Doors, culture and art collide, allowing guests on site to enjoy an artistic journey.

"Home, is no longer a simple pile of products, but a beautiful elaboration of lifestyle, an artistic combination of home design and taste of life." Xinduo Security Door Beijing Red Star Macalline flagship store is not only a display store of doors, but also an exposition of home culture, home art, home design and lifestyle transmitter. As Ma said, the grand opening of the new security doors Beijing Red Star Macalline flagship store, without the hard work of Lu, we also believe that Lu can make the new security doors in the capital city of Beijing household name, doors shine in the capital!

High-quality security products, noble customer experience, high-quality art life guidance, I believe that the new more security doors will be favored by the majority of consumers. Xinduo security door Beijing Red Star Macalline flagship store, dazzling sailing, leading the future!

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