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Xindo 2017 Northwest Regional

Source:Simto Group Co.,Ltd.Release time:2017-09-18

From September 14 to 15, 2017, the training meeting of the Northwest Regional Terminal Elite "Lionsgate Special Training Camp" of Xinduo Group "Proactive Winning Terminal" was held in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province at Weiyang Lake Hotel. More than 130 Xinduo sales elites from Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and Yunnan attended the training. Zhu Junxiong, general manager of marketing of Xinduo Group, Ma Pengfei, deputy general manager of marketing of Xinduo Group, Hu Jinkai, sales director of non-standard door division of Xinduo Group, Wang Wei, sales manager of northwest region of Xinduo Group and other leaders attended this training meeting. Xinduo people from Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia gathered in the red land of Sanqin with the determination to change and full of knowledge, gathered in Xinduo and met in Xi'an!

The meeting in Xi'an is not only an unprecedented thinking collision and collection of Xinduo in the northwest regional market, but also a strategic action and cohesion of Xinduo in the northwest regional market; the meeting in Xi'an is not only a learning meeting of Xinduo Group "laying out the northwest and developing the northwest", but also a strategic action of Xinduo Group "cultivating the northwest and making the northwest stronger".

Opening flag: red battle flag, passionate rendezvous

At 2:00 pm on September 14, the training meeting of "Lionsgate Special Training Camp" in Northwest Region of Xinduo 2017 was officially held, and an impassioned speech by Wang Wei, the sales manager of Northwest Region of Xinduo Group, opened the curtain of the kick-off meeting. Manager Wang expressed his hope that the training conference will effectively enhance the professionalism, sales skills, product knowledge and other abilities of the terminal sales staff in the northwest region, and comprehensively improve the combat power of the sales team in the northwest regional market, so that the new brand in the northwest regional terminal market to get a long development! More than 130 sales elites, who arrived at Xi'an from all over the northwest, were immediately put into the grouping of the opening camp with full spirit. 130 sales elites formed 12 groups, including Pioneer Team, Bright Sword Team, War Wolf Team, Lion Team, Lion Famous Team, War Wolf II Team, etc. All of them wore Xinduo's unified red T-shirt and were full of passion and high spirit. 12 teams carried out team PK and flag ceremony under the leadership of their respective group leaders. PK and flag ceremony. The atmosphere at the scene was warm and unprecedentedly enthusiastic.

▲Solemn and warm flag awarding ceremony

▲We are no longer one person, we are a team

Practical course: break the terminal, win the war market

First of all, Mr. Wei analyzed one by one from the macro political and economic environment, industry competition situation to the door industry consumer trends, and made an overall summary of the company's development and changes in production, research and development, brand, channels, cooperation and other aspects in 2017.

This special training camp revolves around the core idea of "The Way of Breakthrough under the New Retail", and elaborates on the transformation of door dealers under the new retail from six perspectives: the way of image under the new retail, the way of customer storage under the new retail, the way of product under the new retail, the way of promotion under the new retail, the way of service under the new retail, and the way of responsibility under the new retail. From the development of the macro environment of the industry, the focus is on the change of the concept of the dealer; from the support of the store image to the establishment of a corporate operating system; from the profound change of the brand promotion strategy to the improvement of the terminal activity guidance system, views and cases, the combination of theory and practice, triggering dealers to think. Through the explanation and analysis of the five systems of terminal enhancement, the five modes of image optimization, three-dimensional customer storage, product first, promotion and sales service, which determine the success or failure of store operation, help dealers to establish systematic marketing thinking, which is deeply recognized by the participants! The whole course, the combination of theory and practice, the integration of ideas and methods.

The training was warmly received by the participants, and the dealers on stage were attracted by the course full of dry goods, "In this training, each section of the course is very novel and very relevant, not only to clarify the future development of the road of Xindo, more for the terminal stores encountered by the drawbacks of clearing doubts and solving confusion, especially Zhu personally appeared for us to talk about Xindo to The development direction and the direction of product development, Zhu proposed "technology to sell doors, team to sell doors", which makes us full of confidence in the future development of the new more group, see the hope"; "I go back immediately after the implementation of the store atmosphere layout "; "I go back to immediately carry out community promotion"; "Thank you for the leadership of the new multi company to organize this training, I learned a lot in the past two days, see that they have too many deficiencies, go back to the full adjustment and implementation" ...... learn to apply, immediately implement, this is their common voice. After two days and two nights of training and learning, the dealers not only learned a lot of professional terminal shopping skills, but also saw the changes of Xinduo Group in product innovation, channel change and brand building, etc., and strengthened their determination to win the terminal and win good results.

▲Actively interact and speak on stage

Breakout group discussion: hot, each expressing their views

In the discussion session of each group, each group selected outstanding students to share their past experiences and cases on the stage, which made everyone present benefit a lot. The "Lionsgate Training Camp" is to provide a platform for all Xindo people to learn from others, to improve themselves, and to move towards success. The trainees will use the knowledge they have learned to serve the terminal better, and will make a hundred times more efforts to improve sales, so that the Xindo brand will shine in the terminal market!

Signing the military order: fight for time, not to be outdone

"I need to develop in order for my family to have a better quality of life";

"I need to grow in order to get more people in, employed and socially responsible";

"In order for my peers to respect me more, I need to develop";

"Mission will be achieved", "performance is the only criterion to test training", "for the 2018 sales task, we fight" ......15 afternoon, from the northwest region of the distributors of the burst of positive energy shouting.

The two-day training session changed the concept of dealers as a whole, broadened the business ideas and greatly boosted the morale. Dealers have expressed their confidence, courage and commitment to Xindo Group by signing the "Sales Task Response Letter". Signing the Warrant, setting up the military order. Determine the goal, determine the direction, we all go all out, we are full of confidence, have expressed all-out efforts to ensure the completion of the sales target in 2017 and win the war in 2018.

▲Shindo Northwest regional distributors' families came on stage and signed their respective sales performance targets for 2017 and 2018!

Practical PK: sharing dry goods and growing together

In order to better test the results of this learning, so that the participants can consolidate the knowledge learned and apply it in daily sales, this training adopts the assessment method of "individual results presentation" and "group results presentation", which requires the participants to master both The participants are required to master the theoretical knowledge and apply it flexibly at the same time to ensure that the learning content can be implemented and operated. The class was divided into 12 groups for PK, and the participants listened carefully, thought actively, and interacted with the teacher to grab points. After a fierce competition, the ninth and eleventh groups won the "Excellent Team Award" with their outstanding performance.

Northwest region Xinduo flourished precisely because a batch of excellent dealers emerged. Through continuous learning and progress, they embarked on the road to success and realized the development of Xindo and their dreams. In the PK competition of the 15th night of the "Lions Special Training Camp", a total of 18 excellent dealers from Xi'an dealer Li, Xi'an dealer Bai, Xi'an dealer Wang, Shangluo dealer Zhang, Baoji dealer Li, Lanzhou dealer Zhang, Lanzhou dealer Mu, Huangling dealer Wang, Xi'an dealer Zou, etc. The dealers shared their insights with everyone. They shared their insights on the themes of after-sales service, store management, team building, alliance activities, good service, word-of-mouth marketing, and making friends with customers, and combined with their actual operation and operation, they elaborated in layman's language, and gave in-depth and wonderful explanations around their respective successful experiences and methods in practice, and offered their winning "dry goods" for all the family members. ", won the high appreciation of all the family members! Finally, Mr. Zhang from Shangluo Xindo won the first prize of the PK competition, Mr. Wang from Xi'an Xindo and Mr. Wang from Huangling Xindo won the second prize, and Mr. Li from Baoji Xindo, Mr. Zhang from Lanzhou Xindo and Mr. Qian from Xi'an Xindo won the third prize.

The same Xindo, the same dream. The wisdom of Xindo distribution is not only in the individual, but also in the team. The power of sharing makes the team of Xindo people stronger; the power of sharing makes the prospect of Xindo more long-term.

This is a victory meeting of "convergence of thinking and acting, innovation and change"; this is a strategic seminar of "plan to move the market, win the war terminal".

Take the initiative to win the terminal, open a new terminal "Lionsgate Special Training Camp" national tour, ignite the competition beacon of the terminal market around. We firmly believe that as long as we and the national dealer partners heart to heart, drum up energy, we will be able to fearlessly, courageous forward, seek to move the world.

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