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Xinduo high-end villa doors Henan Xincai flagship store grand opening

Source:Simto Group Co.,Ltd.Release time:2017-09-23

September 9, a wonderful grand opening activities in Henan Xin Cai kicked off - Xin Duo high-end villa doors Henan Xin Cai flagship store grand opening. On the opening day, in Henan Xincai ten li store industrial area in the joyous, gongs and drums. Shilipu industrial area on both sides of the road with rows of high-end villa doors printed with Xinduo colorful flags fluttering, the outside wall of the store is hung with a banner full of blessings overflowing door, the store is crowded, customers are overwhelmed. Xinduo group non-standard door division sales director Hu, general manager of Xin Cai Binqi door industry Liu, special guests and more than 300 owners and customers from all over Xin Cai, witnessed this prosperous event.

Open Door

New more to pry the potential of the third-tier market!

After the opening of a wonderful golden drums, the guests came on stage to address congratulations. Xinduo Group non-standard door division sales director Hu expressed his heartfelt wishes for the grand opening of Xin Cai flagship store of Xinduo high-end villa door, wishing Binqi door industry good luck and prosperous business. After that, the guests came up to the stage for the lion eye-dotting and ribbon-cutting to celebrate the opening.

On that day, the opening of the new more high-end villa door Xin Cai flagship store is both a benefit delivery activities, but also a wonderful visual feast. In order to meet the arrival of this auspicious day, but also in response to the expectations of the general public friends of high-end villa door products, new high-end villa door Xin Cai flagship store in the opening period in the local launch of a series of unprecedented huge benefits to make the big activities. All into the store to participate in the activities, are available on the day of the event to get a beautiful gift; that is, to enjoy the deposit appreciation; factory open price; order to draw a prize. A series of people's benefits have won the praise of local citizens and friends, the site is popular and sales are hot.

On the opening day, more than 300 owners, intended customers and the surrounding citizens came to see the luxury decoration of the flagship store of Xinduo high-end villa doors and the high-end luxury of villa doors. In the resounding drums, program performances, raffle gifts, hotel banquet, won the audience tidal wave of warm applause.

Big Brands

Shindo wins the trust of the owners!

"The day came more than 300 people, 78 signed single owners, sales exceeded 100 units, greatly exceeding the expected effect!" Liu, the distributor of Xin Cai Xinduo high-end villa door, could not hold back his excitement to "report" this good result to Hu who came to congratulate him. In a burst of cheers from the intended owners, Xinduo Group non-standard door division sales director Hu and Xincai Binqi door general manager Liu unveiled the new high-end villa doors for Xinduo. It is understood that, in order to further enhance the influence and reputation of Xinduo high-end villa doors in Xin Cai area, by the opportunity of the grand opening of Xin Cai flagship store of Xinduo high-end villa doors in Henan Province, Binqi door manufacturers to jointly benefit the majority of consumers, six great benefits for the whole city, a gift to the people of Xin Cai.

The opening activities of the wide publicity channels, concessions, manufacturers attach great importance to, so the majority of owners of Xin Cai friends favored. Many customers who have placed orders in the store said: "new more high-end villa door quality and reliable, fashionable style, product quality trustworthy, thoughtful service, and this opening event there are so many preferential policies, I will recommend relatives and friends to buy!" In the opening ceremony signing and new special price of the double temptation, this activity set a new high-end villa door in Henan area single opening activities exceeded 1 million yuan of historical records, all-out effort to pry the huge potential of the third-line market. Xin Cai Xinduo in the market more easily open the door, greatly enhance the dealer's confidence in business cooperation, but also for Xinduo high-end villa doors in other cities to lay a good foundation for successful replication.

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