乐鱼(中国)体育平台官网-Leyu Sports

Municipal Party Committee Organization Minister Chen Lixin visited our company in depth

Source:Simto Group Co.,Ltd.Release time:2015-11-25

On the morning of August 13, Mr. Chen Lixin, Minister of Organization of the Municipal Party Committee, accompanied by Mr. Li Haofeng, Secretary of the Party Working Committee, Mr. Ye Jianyong, Director of the Management Committee and Mr. Zhu Zhengwei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Chengxi New District, came to visit our company. Group Chairman Cheng Xingui, Party Secretary Hu Heping warmly received and accompanied Minister Chen and his party to visit the company's party group service center and the second "Xinyong Youth Public Welfare Summer Class". He also went into the classroom of the summer school and exchanged views with the teachers and inspected the learning and living conditions of the young students. He highly praised and fully affirmed our company's solid party building work, which is based on the idea of "serving employees, promoting vitality and harmony, and promoting enterprise development". At the same time, it also put forward new requirements and hopes to further play the role of party members' pioneering model, improve the service system, innovative service carrier, perfect service mechanism, and highlight the function of non-public enterprise party organization "party members can't be missing, employees can trust, and enterprises can't be missing".

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