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The 2018 annual summary commendation meeting of Xindo Group Marketing Center was successfully held

Source:Simto Group Co.,Ltd.Release time:2019-01-28

In 2018, under the leadership of the competitive external market environment and the company's strategic transformation, Xindo Group actively focused on the changes in the market, further enhanced the competitiveness of Xindo's marketing system through product upgrading, channel changes, marketing innovation, etc., upgraded and empowered, and attacked the city with its unstoppable "brand power"; in 2018 In 2018, Xinduo Group has achieved a good situation of steady growth and counter-trend growth by working together, making full efforts, innovating, and streamlining management; in 2018, Xinduo Group has carried out the four-wheel innovation-driven development strategy of "intelligent manufacturing, quality assurance, management implementation, and service upgrade", tackling difficulties and advancing in the wave of the market. In 2018, Xinduo Group has carried out the four-wheel innovation-driven development strategy of "intelligent manufacturing, quality assurance, management and service upgrading", overcome difficulties, and moved forward in the tide of the market.

On January 26, 2019, the 2018 annual summary commendation meeting of the marketing center of Xindo Group was held successfully from January 26, 2019, from the new change to 2019. Mr. Cheng Xingui, Chairman of Xinduo Group Co., Ltd, Ms. Cheng Yuehui, President of Xinduo Group Co., Ltd, Mr. Zhu Junxiong, General Manager of Xinduo Group Marketing Center and other company leaders and all marketing elites from Xinduo Group Direct Sales Office, national offices and Xinduo Group's functional departments attended this annual event together. The General Assembly summarized the achievements in 2018 and released the general policy and objectives of the company in 2019, which signified the opening of the new journey of Xindo Group and sounded the first rallying cry to achieve the goals in 2019.

Group photo of all marketing elites

Gathering from the new, glory 2018

"The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory", 2018 is destined to be a very extraordinary year, in this year, Xinduo has experienced industry change, consumer change, trend change, there are too many people in the change of anxiety and confusion. But fortunately, with the joint efforts of all Xinduo people, Xinduo Group has achieved a good situation of stable growth and counter-trend growth in 2018.

Mr. Cheng Xingui, chairman of Xindo Group, delivered a speech!

In 2018, a year with a more complex market environment, Xindo Group has adopted a series of innovative reforms: including intelligent manufacturing upgrade, future strategic layout, brand quality improvement and a series of optimization measures, through solid foundation, product innovation, to drive transformation and upgrading with strong brand potential, open a new situation for terminal sales, and continue to promote new brand development.

Ms. Cheng Yuehui, President of Xindo Group, delivered a speech!

Mr. Lv Lingyun, Production Director of Xindo Group, made the summary report of 2018!

Ms. Li Lihua, Finance Director of Xinduo Group, made a financial work report for 2018!

Mr. Zhu Junxiong, General Manager of Marketing Center of Xinduo Group, made the "Marketing Center 2018 Work Report and 2019 Work Plan"!

At the meeting, Mr. Zhu Junxiong, general manager of marketing center of Xindo Group, comprehensively analyzed the important breakthroughs achieved by Xindo in 2018 in many levels such as sales performance, product strategy and management landing, comprehensively expounded the five levels of Xindo Group in 2018 such as industry, market, sales, products and management from the new gathering, and made the new breakthroughs in 2019 from the sales task, business target, senior management team, product strategy, office Management and other prospects in 2019 to follow the road of dreams" began. For the new round of glory mission and strategic layout in 2019, Mr. Zhu stressed that in 2019, Xinduo will fully implement the "six steps" management upgrade, continuous optimization of product structure, three-dimensional channel expansion, improve service quality and other brand strategic deployment. In the future, Xinduo will take a new posture, concentrate its efforts, innovate and change to create greater development prospects.

Award ceremony

Every growing company is inseparable from a group of dedicated employees, and with the unremitting efforts of all Shindo people, Shindo Group achieved counter-trend growth in 2018. In 2018, a large number of excellent marketing generals emerged from the marketing center of Xindo, and the excellent marketing generals and excellent service personnel were commended by Xindo Group at the meeting. Among them, there are a lot of "old faces" who persist in seeking advancement, and there are also a lot of "new blood" who develop rapidly, no matter old or new, they are all outstanding representatives of "Xindo Role Model". The General Assembly commended and rewarded the outstanding individuals and teams, and set up the excellent benchmark for all Xindo people.

2018 Excellent Team Award

2018 Annual Sales Champion Award

2018 Annual Dark Horse Award

2018 Annual Divine Calculation Award

2018 Annual Golden Bull Award

2018 Strategic Engineering Pioneering Award

2018 Strategic Engineering Service Award

2018 Outstanding Channel Development and Construction Award

2018 Annual Research Layout Award

Celebration Dinner

Let's raise a glass together and

Wish Xinduo will be better tomorrow!

In the evening, the 2018 annual celebration dinner of Xinduo Group Marketing Center was held on the third floor of the Pearl Hotel in Yongkang. At the celebration dinner, lucky draw, impromptu singing ...... and laughter were heard one after another, and the dinner became a stage of thanksgiving and a sea of joy, and the hearts of all Xinduo people were tightly united. Between the wine glass and the wine glass, to discuss this year's hard work and happiness, together hand in hand, hoping to create a new glory in 2019.

Pose the most beautiful pose to meet my 2018 small fortune!

Carry away the biggest prize of the whole field raffle partner

You stand pig, we have a matter to discuss!

Looking ahead to 2019

We are full of pride and determination to step through the brilliant 2018, 2019 for us, is a new challenge, but also a new opportunity, we will continue to be down-to-earth style, indomitable attitude and perseverance, from the new aggregation, chasing the dream 2019. xi general secretary in the 2019 new year's message mentioned, "we are all running hard, we are all dream chasers." Yes, we are all dreamers, running hard on the road to the future with the affirmation of self-worth, the desire for a better life, and the persistence to realize our ideals. All the ideals of Xindo people converge into one big dream, that is, to make Xindo better and better, and to strive unremittingly to realize the dream of Xindo for a hundred years and lead the way forward.

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