乐鱼(中国)体育平台官网-Leyu Sports

Source:Simto Group Co.,Ltd.Release time:2017-02-24

On November 26, Rugao Yuexing Home "I am the protagonist" winter building materials and furniture trade fair alliance activity was held in Yuexing Home Square. On the day of the event, despite the cold wind with a little rain, but still can not stop the majority of Rugao owners and friends of the hot passion, the exhibition site more than six hundred positions all full, the owners are strictly after the layers of gatekeepers, with a certificate of admission. The activity site was crowded, enthusiastic and loud.

This Rugao Yuexing Home "I am the protagonist" winter building materials and furniture trading fair alliance activities a total of 32 building materials and furniture brands to participate in, after layers of screening, the process has been carefully designed, rich content: sign up to send gifts, on-site ordering to send bonus, joint purchase to send gifts, order to draw the grand prize and so on content to make people excited, on-site bargaining link is the atmosphere is intense, the scene is hot, win the site owners to place orders continue to set new historical records.

Live queue to place orders

Rugao Xinduo security door is the only security door brand exhibited in this alliance activity. On the activity day, Xinduo security door as the 12th brand on the field, with shiny appearance, unique high quality and high cost performance, got the majority of Rugao consumers' love. Dozens of owners were crowded with the new booth, and the new door made 32 orders that day. This activity, Rugao Xinduo security door dealer boss Zhou Fujian personally led his family and sales elite to fight for 15 days, deep into the market, wholeheartedly into the promotion of this activity. Whether it is the propaganda arrangement, sweeping the building and selling cards, product training, or after-sales service, etc., all reflect a high degree of professionalism and efficiency. After the hard work of this activity, we not only achieved the results and exercised the team, but also made a comprehensive and in-depth development of Rugao market, and laid a solid foundation for long-term sales.

New multi-door table display

We believe that behind every success there is an unusual effort, through this activity we summed up the success of Rugao Xinduo, with the following two main reasons:

First, the terminal store, show the strength of the new multi

Last year just joined the new family of Rugao new more dealers, the first bold store construction, follow the brand upgrade strategy pace, according to the new more safety door image store standard renovation decoration store. The newly installed store is luxurious and bright, with high-grade materials and chic style, which is unique in Yuexing home building materials market and highly evaluated by consumers and industry insiders.

Rugao Xinduo image store front display

Rugao Xinduo image store product display

Second, event marketing, extensive expansion of channels

This activity is already the second large activity of Rugao Xindo so far this year. Faced with the current situation of the property market in 2016, Rugao Xinduo actively respond, take the initiative, through telemarketing, community promotion, activity marketing, WeChat propaganda and other three-dimensional promotion and publicity, to comprehensively strengthen the marketing expansion of the retail market. This activity, Rugao new more is a big investment, together with the moon star home "I am the protagonist" brand alliance activity platform, and Opie cabinet, Gujia home furnishing, Sofia closet, Opple lighting and other first-line other industry brands, the success of this activity, let Rugao new more is a confidence multiplier, all-out shaping new more security doors in Rugao market The first brand status.

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