乐鱼(中国)体育平台官网-Leyu Sports

Contribute to the job and be a pioneer in creating excellence

Source:Simto Group Co.,Ltd.Release time:2016-10-12

In recent years, the Party Committee of Xindo Group has organized the majority of party members and youths to insist on "making contributions based on their posts and being pioneers in creating advantages", and actively participate in various public welfare activities such as "Five Waters", "Green Environment Protection ", "give love, return to society" and other public welfare activities. Under the leadership of the Party Secretary, we have organized Party members and cadres to participate in river dredging, pipe network construction and other voluntary work for more than 60 times, which has promoted the effective implementation of river water treatment and sewage network project and thoroughly improved the bad ecological environment of rain and sewage and water pollution; called on the majority of Party members to participate in blood donation and give love to the society; organized Party volunteers to go into schools and old people's homes to provide volunteer services and help more people in need; actively carried out various public welfare activities such as "Five Waters", "Green Environmental Protection and I Walk" and "Give Love and Return to Society". Party members are also called upon to participate in blood donation for the benefit of society. The various public welfare activities have received support and recognition from all walks of life, demonstrating the enterprise's sense of social mission and responsibility, and making positive contributions to promoting the construction of a harmonious society.

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