乐鱼(中国)体育平台官网-Leyu Sports

Henan Zhengzhou distributor meeting held successfully

Source:Simto Group Co.,Ltd.Release time:2014-03-28

On March 28th, 2014, the dealer conference of Xindo Group in Henan Province was held in Zhengzhou City.

The conference was held under the theme of "leading the dealers to improve the marketing of physical stores", and the general manager of marketing and marketing director and more than 50 core dealers attended the conference and achieved a complete success.

During the meeting, marketing general manager Zhu Xiaohua on the marketing situation in 2013, brand building and expansion strategy in 2014 made a special report, pointing out the direction of corporate development. To "build the first brand of Chinese security door features" as the strategic goal, to further improve the market operation ability of the dealers, strengthen the dealers' product brand awareness, in-depth learning and exchange.

Through this dealer meeting, let our dealers understand more about the new more in the top ten brands of security doors in the only focus on building doors 19 years of the overall marketing policy and strategy, to the convening of this conference as an opportunity to seek greater breakthroughs and achieve greater leaps!

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